If you do not receive a verification code by SMS when you are trying to authorize your account action, there are a few things you can try to troubleshoot this issue.
- Confirm that your set security type is your phone by logging into your Personal Area (PA). Click Settings > Security settings and view what is listed under 2-step verification. Your phone number which the SMS should be sent should be displayed. If it shows an email address or a different phone number, click Change and select or add your phone number.
- Ensure that the phone number entered is in the correct international format. The country code may have been automatically matched with your registered country of residence, resulting in your actual phone number not being registered correctly. If the country code is incorrect, update the phone number by following the same process mentioned in Point 1, and then try resending the SMS.
Note: If you are traveling to a foreign country, you must enable roaming settings to receive SMS codes.
- Wait a little longer and if the message does not arrive within 5 minutes, click Resend the Message on the confirmation screen. You can safely repeat this 3 - 4 times via different browsers, not more than 1-minute intervals in between each time.
- Clear your browser’s cache and cookies files then try again. You can also try using a different browser.
- On your mobile device, toggle your data and/or set it to Airplane mode to refresh the connection, and click Resend the Message.
- Restart your phone, and click Resend the Message. Wait one hour for the reset.
- Place your SIM card into a different phone and click Resend the Message.
Note: If you try to resend the code too many times, your account will be locked for 24 hours and you will see the error ‘You have reached the maximum number of attempts. For security reasons, the verification of this operation was suspended. It will be available again within 24 hours.’
If you still haven’t received an SMS, click Use another method to receive the code and select an automated phone call to your phone number to receive the code.
If none of the above suggestions solve the problem, don’t hesitate to contact our Support Team who are happy to provide further assistance.
If your current registered mobile number continues to present this issue, consider using a different phone number to see if the problem persists. Follow the link for more about how to change your account phone number.
Note: You can use Push notifications to authenticate transactions instead of SMS verification. Push notifications allow you to quickly perform actions that require a high level of security. When an action is performed, for example, a withdrawal request, a Push notification is sent to your mobile device. Click Yes/No to authenticate the request.
To enable Push notifications, you can change your security type in your Personal Area. Read more about changing your security type to Push notifications.