For any currency conversions that occur during transactions, you will be notified during the transaction if a currency conversion is necessary, as shown below.
You may check current conversion rates at any time using the Exness currency converter tool. However, note that the currency converter tool is for reference only as rates can only be refreshed by the minute. The current live conversion rate will always be displayed in your Personal Area whenever applicable.
Why is this important?
Your deposits and withdrawals may be subject to currency conversions if the selected currency does not match your trading account currency.
Account currency is chosen when a new trading account is set up and cannot be changed later. You need to create a new trading account if you prefer to trade with a different account currency.
When currency conversion is necessary, the rate will be displayed before you confirm the transaction.
How do I avoid unnecessary conversion charges?
Deposits and withdrawals made in your account currency eliminate conversion charges.
For example, making a deposit with your local bank account in Indian Rupees (INR) will not be subject to currency conversion if INR is your account currency; as is the same with withdrawals.